We are excited to announce that we will be launching our Accredited Installer Program very soon. The program will provide an opportunity for individuals and companies already involved within the automotive industry to diversify and expand their existing operations whilst also providing a unique and highly profitable business proposition for those who don’t have any previous experience of the sector but are looking for a new challenge.
We will provide full training which will include both the practical side of product installation and application as well as an overview of the business model, highlighting best practice and how to build a successful career within our industry.
The program will offer two levels of accreditation as follows:-
An Accredited Installer will be able to supply and install our pre-cut PPF kits, NanoTech ceramic coatings and accessories for all automotive applications. They will enjoy a generous level of product discount as well as geographical exclusivity. No previous experience is necessary but each candidate will have to undergo full training and be able to demonstrate an ability to meet all installation standard requirements.
A Premier Installer will be able to supply and install our pre-cut PPF kits, bespoke installations, NanoTech ceramic coatings and accessories. They will enjoy the highest level of product discount as well as geographical exclusivity. A Premier Installer must progress from the Accredited Installer level and will be offered by invitation only.
It is our intention to launch our highly anticipated Accredited Installer Program in the UK in mid-late summer 2021. Applications will be strictly limited due to geographical restrictions so if you are interested in this fantastic opportunity, in the first instance, please complete the contact form below and we will be in touch to discuss the matter further.

"What You Plant Now, You Will Harvest Later"